Adding or Editing Hospital/Clinic Affiliations on Your Profile

Your Nexogic profile allows you to add in your current clinical affiliations, their operating locations, your consulting charges, and work hours. To do so, follow these steps:

How To Add an Affiliation?

  1. Login using your username and password. On your profile page, scroll down until you see the “Hospitals /Clinic Affiliations” section.
  2. To add a new affiliation, navigate your cursor and click on the plus sign.

Adding or Editing Hospital -Clinic Affiliations on Your Profile

  1. Fill in the required fields and choose the “Save” option. The process is complete.

Updating an Existing Affiliation

  1. On your profile page, from your “Hospitals /Clinic Affiliations” section, click on the marker icon for the affiliation you wish to edit.
  2. Update the fields you wish to edit and click on the “Save” option from below. The system saves your edits.